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What makes an Inbound Marketing Strategy so important?

What makes an Inbound Marketing Strategy so important?

Learn all the reasons why a company with an online presence needs a properly orchestrated Inbound Marketing strategy.

Inbound Marketing is a new kind of Digital Marketing that focuses primarily on creating and promoting content in order to increase traffic and online lead generation (establishing contact with prospective clients of your company).

A basic advantage of Inbound Marketing is the fact that it is completely measurable. By using specific tools, marketers of any business sector are able to monitor and evaluate metrics on the performance of Inbound Marketing, in revenue terms, sales etc. - all the areas in which they invest time, energy and of course money.

What makes an Inbound Marketing Strategy essential for any business that operates online?

In Inbound Marketing everything is measurable through special tools. A specialized Marketing Automation platform, like HubSpot, allows you to progressively identify the actions that work best for your business and enhance those that could be prove more effective.

This platform can record every action you perform: from SEO-related tacticts to your Social Media activity and from your corporate blog posts to the content of your website or even a user’s actions while he is engaging with your content.

A user’s actions range from him downloading information, taking part in discussions that you have started on your company’s LinkedIn profile and visiting your website to him sharing your tweets with his friends on social media etc. All of these actions can be tracked, evaluated and assigned to your revenue.

The secret is to create interesting and useful content addressed to the right personas (the ideal customer to whom your company targets its products or services). This content should be shared through all your online properties, thus transforming your website in a magnet which attracts potential leads. In this way you will “draw” an online route that guides users in your sales funnel. When they reach your website, it will be easier to convert them into leads and subsequently into clients.

Give your buyer personas what they want, offer them solutions to their problems and content that meets their needs. Educate them on how your product or service can make their lives better and watch them return to you for more in time.

Time to leave behind your old marketing tactics! Why invest time and money in marketing activities whose performance cannot be monitored and measured? With inbound marketing you’re always able to know just how effective your actions are and whether they strike a chord in your customers’ hearts!