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Who owns the Ad Accounts_ Will I have access to my data_ (1)

Who owns the Ad Accounts? Will I have access to my data?

Truth be told, this is a very common question that we frequently get from our clients. They often come to us with worries and questions regarding the ownership of their Ad accounts. So keep reading as we have collected here everything you need to know.

Who owns the Ad accounts?

One thing is standard and that is that the Ad accounts are owned by the client. The clients pay so the accounts belong to them. Part of the job of an agency is to help set up an account for the new client. Though the process might be admittedly slow and it might take longer, the best practice remains to help the client set up the new Ad account, walk them through step-by-step and educate them about it. Agencies should even teach the clients how they can acquire full control of the account and how to restrict the access to it, if need be.

How much access is enough access?
An agency or freelance professional needs to have enough access to the account to do their job but they do not need to own the accounts as those belong to the client. And so do the data. As a client, you are allowed to have full access to your account, you have the right to ask any questions and you have access to view your data.

What happens when it is over?

Once the collaboration is over, agencies and freelancers should be able to simply disconnect from your ad account and leave everything intact. Without any harm done and with all your digital assets in place: including your business’s ads, the entirety of your performance data, your audiences. Your online activity and presence belongs to your brand and it is considered part of your business.


Be really careful with all those “professionals” out there who appear and act as professionals but they refrain from being transparent. If you are the client and you pay you have the right to own the account, get access to the data and you have the right to know where your money is spent. Do not fall into the trap of allowing others to take over your account. Ask for clarifications, help and even ask to be educated about the process. You are entitled to it.

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